To keep your motorcycle running smoothly you’ll have to perform at least a little bit of at-home maintenance. This maintenance, while relatively easy, is key in providing a long life for your bike. This guide should provide some helpful tips on how to perform basic motorcycle maintenance, as well as advise you on when a problem needs to be seen by a mechanic. We here at Moroney’s Motorsport provide some of the highest quality products and services. If you need help caring for your motorcycle, feel free to visit our dealership in New Windsor, New York.


If your tire tread begins to disappear, it’s time to replace your wheels. A weak tread can allow you to slip out on the road and seriously injure yourself. If you notice the tread wearing down unevenly, it could be that your wheels are misaligned and you’ll have to visit your mechanic. 

Your tire's air pressure is another quick fix that can save you from serious injury. Your motorcycle’s recommended air pressure is located in your owner’s manual and can be measured with a tire gauge. Simply press the gauge to your tire’s valve to release a small amount of air. This should measure the pressure in your tire and let you know if your pressure is too low. 


Your motorcycle’s brakes are one of its most important features. Thankfully, brake maintenance is relatively easy with only two parts you need to check! Firstly, you’ll need to check your brake pads, found on both your front and rear tires, for wear and tear. If your motorcycle grinds and squeaks when you stop, or its brake pads are notably worn, it’s time to replace them. Your brake fluid is another important component you should check regularly. Simply keep an eye on the measurement line of your brake reservoirs. Unscrew the cap and top off the fluid whenever your reservoirs get low

Chains and Belts

The chains and belts of your motorcycle deliver torque from your engine to your wheels- effectively creating movement. If these components are loose you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. To check if your belts and chains are tight, simply pull them with one to two fingers. The belts should have very little slack, while the chain can move up to an inch and a half. Once you’ve assured these components are taut, you can add a healthy amount of lubrication. If these components are loose however, we advise you to see a mechanic. 

As you can see, regular motorcycle maintenance can be both simple and effective. We guarantee that if you perform these maintenance checks regularly it will considerably lengthen the life of your motorcycle. While we hope that these tips have been helpful, we understand that this is not an exhaustive guide. If you have any questions about your motorcycle, or are concerned about any of its many mechanical parts, you can contact our service center directly, here! Or, come into our dealership and speak with one of our experienced team members directly. We proudly serve the city of Newburgh as well as New Windsor and we look forward to helping you.